About Us

With over a decade of experience in VR & MR, the team behind GW-XR has been at the forefront of XR innovation in the North of England and beyond, spearheading the development of narrative-based learning metaverse technologies.

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Specialising in immersive technology

The world of technology is continually evolving and improving the way we all learn, work and live.

GW-XR specialises in immersive technology that empowers the user to create, own and collaborate within experiences that they have built and are relevant to them.

Formed as a marketing partner to www.visr-vr.com , GW-XR brings the experience of nearly a decade of working and building unique software IP to education and employment.

Democratising the technology and showing that we can empower all within this space.

From the 2023 McKinsey report, immersive technology is a $5.5 Trillion global GDP opportunity and from education to employment we will supply you will the digital tools to make you a part of this digital revolution.

The smart phone generation is here.

Tech enabled and tech expectant, their expectations of cutting edge technology in both education and in employment is high.

Educators and employers can work together to create a spatial network empowering the workforce of the future for the workplace of the future.

STAGE from GW-XR gives educator and employer alike the tools to enter the ‘metaverse’ and harness the power of the next level of compute.

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Meet The Founder

Lindsay West

Lindsay West has enjoyed a career that has spanned over three decades.

As Joint Managing Director of Garthwest Packaging and POS, his second generation family business, he is an expert in manufacturing and process solutions.

As Co-Founder of VISR Dynamics, he has been at the forefront of immersive, metaverse and spatial compute technology for nearly a decade. His mission is to democratise the technology and make it accessible to all and to play his part in building the workforce of the future for the workplace of the future.